
Issue Title
Vol 20, No 2 (2020): Studies in Literature and Language Sarcastic Feminism: A Lexico-Syntactic Analysis of Judy Syfers’ I Want A Wife Abstract  PDF
James Boaner Olusaanu, Folorunso Oloruntobi
Vol 11, No 6 (2015): Studies in Literature and Language Influence of Anxiety on English Listening Comprehension: An Investigation Based on the Freshmen of English Majors Abstract  PDF
Vol 5, No 2 (2012): Studies in Literature and Language Polite Requests by Korean Learners of Indonesian Abstract  PDF  HTML  indexed/included/archived
Katharina Endriati Sukamto
Vol 15, No 2 (2017): Studies in Literature and Language Comparison and Contrast Between the Audiolingual Method and Total Physical Response to Improve Efficiency of College Students English Learning Abstract  PDF
Vol 29, No 3 (2024): Studies in Literature and Language Report on Experiences of Establishing Professional Partnership With Families and Communities Abstract  PDF
Jing LI
Vol 11, No 6 (2015): Studies in Literature and Language Feasibility Study of the Application of Task-Based Language Teaching in English and American Literature Courses in China Abstract  PDF
Benbin LIANG
Vol 10, No 5 (2015): Studies in Literature and Language Application of Metacognitive Theory in Foreign Language Teaching Based on Network and Multimedia Abstract  PDF
Vol 8, No 1 (2014): Studies in Literature and Language Emotional Intelligence and Language Competence: A Case Study of the English Language Learners at Taif University English Language Centre Abstract  PDF
Muhammad Umar Farooq
Vol 12, No 6 (2016): Studies in Literature and Language National Identity in Yeats’ Poetry Abstract  PDF
Khalil Hasan Nofal
Vol 9, No 3 (2014): Studies in Literature and Language The Effects of Task-Based Teaching Approach on College Writing Classes Abstract  PDF
Vol 19, No 1 (2019): Studies in Literature and Language Critical Thinking Oriented Teaching Reform of Business English Translation Abstract  PDF
Vol 11, No 3 (2015): Studies in Literature and Language Evolution of the Chinese Classifiers That Modify the Tree Name Nouns Abstract  PDF
Ye LI, Jialu TIAN
Vol 29, No 2 (2024): Studies in Literature and Language Pragmatic Competence in Saudi EFL Learners: Challenges, Consequences, and Strategies for Overcoming Barriers Abstract  PDF
Khalid Al-Seghayer
Vol 12, No 3 (2016): Studies in Literature and Language The Translation of Al-Haramain (the Two Holy Mosques) Fridays’ Sermons Is Unplanned Language Planning (Management) Abstract  PDF
Hussein Abdo Rababah
Vol 9, No 2 (2014): Studies in Literature and Language Language and Culture: Linguistic Evidence of a Natural Reciprocity and Some Lessons for the Future Abstract  PDF
Patrizia Torricelli
Vol 12, No 2 (2016): Studies in Literature and Language The Politics of Identity in Mahmoud Darwish’s Absent Presence: A Textual Act of Resistance Abstract  PDF
Eman K. Mukattash
Vol 9, No 2 (2014): Studies in Literature and Language Review of the Influence of L1 in L2 Acquisition Abstract  PDF
Zhanming WANG
Vol 10, No 2 (2015): Studies in Literature and Language An Analysis on Illogicality in Language Abstract  PDF
Hui Xiao SHAN
Vol 9, No 1 (2014): Studies in Literature and Language Applying Content-Based Instruction to Extensive Reading Class Abstract  PDF
Vol 8, No 1 (2014): Studies in Literature and Language On the Relationships Between Linguistics and Language Teaching Abstract  PDF
Meihua WANG
Vol 10, No 2 (2015): Studies in Literature and Language Displacement, Belonging and Identity in Susan Muaddi Darraj’s The Inheritance of Exile Abstract  PDF
Yousef Awad
Vol 9, No 1 (2014): Studies in Literature and Language Application of Learning Strategies to Culture-Based Language Instruction Abstract  PDF
Lihui CHEN, Yanmin ZHANG
Vol 10, No 1 (2015): Studies in Literature and Language A Study of Vocabulary Knowledge and Reading Comprehension on EFL Chinese Learners Abstract  PDF
Kezhen LI
Vol 9, No 1 (2014): Studies in Literature and Language Attitude and Motivation for English Learning Abstract  PDF
Chen LIU
Vol 5, No 1 (2012): Studies in Literature and Language Experiment Study on Influence of Chinese Experience on English Phonetic Acquisition at the Perspective of Word Stress Abstract  PDF  HTML  indexed/included/archived
26 - 50 of 171 Items << < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 > >> 

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