The Effects of Cooperative Teaching Reform on Chinese English Learners’ Linguistic Abilities and Non-linguistic Abilities

Zhihong ZENG, Xiaojuan YIN, Xiaoying ZENG


This paper studies the different effects of co-teaching and traditional teaching on students’ English linguistic abilities and non-linguistic abilities in Chinese context. Ninety-one non-English majors in a college in south-eastern China were involved in this experiment. The results of one-way ANOVA showed that the effects of Chinese-foreign teachers’ cooperative teaching on participants’ linguistic abilities were significantly better than the traditional Chinese teachers’ teaching. The results of questionnaires revealed that co-teaching made a greater contribution to students’ non-linguistic abilities than the traditional way did. In addition, students held more positive attitudes to co-teaching than the traditional teaching. Finally, reasons that may lead to the results have been discussed.


Cooperative teaching; Traditional; Alternative; Linguistic abilities; Non-linguistic

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