Unified Classification of Nominal Classifiers and Formalization of Classifier-noun Phrases

Xiaowei GUAN, Qian HAN, Rui ZHANG


One of the main problems that affect the quality of machine translation is how to express the knowledge of language in precision. Based on the theory of Semantic Element (SE) in Unified Linguistics, a new unified classification of English and Chinese nominal classifiers is proposed from the perspective of C-E and E-C translation. Different Semantic Element Representations (SER) of classifiers in English and Chinese have the same semantic type of classifiers. The English and Chinese noun-classifier phrases are formalized into English and Chinese SER respectively.
Key words: Chinese Classifier-Noun Phrase; Classification of Nominal Classifiers; Formalization; SE; SER


Chinese Classifier-Noun Phrase; Classification of Nominal Classifiers; Formalization; SE; SER


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/n


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