Review of the Studies on Multimedia Annotation in China Over the Past Two Decades
This paper reviews the studies on multimedia annotation from the following perspectives: theoretical construct on multimedia annotation, the empirical research on different effectiveness of types of multimedia annotation on the reading/listening comprehension and vocabulary acquisition, which aims to help the overseas scholars to know the present situation and the direction for the future research on multimedia annotation in China. The source data is mainly from the articles on multimedia annotation published in CNKI from Jan. 2000 to Jan. 2020 (, and the situation is as follow: (1) most domestic scholars introduce and verify the multimedia annotation theories through empirical researches; (2) the researchers focus more on the effects of the types of multimedia annotation on the reading comprehension and the vocabulary acquisition compared to the effects on listening comprehension, and it could be classified into three effects: positive, negative and no effect, but the factors causing the above effects have not been systematically studied or summarized; (3) most scholars mainly take intermediate and advanced language level learners as the research subjects, the lower level learners should be also considered; (4) in the research of the types of the multimedia annotation, the theme of the research materials in reading/listening comprehension would be a new prospective which has been rarely studied compared to other types. To sum up, more researches should be done to investigate the effects of different types of multimedia annotation to the reading/listening comprehension and vocabulary acquisition, which should cover wider range of subjects and consider different types of experiment materials. And the author believes that it will enhance the EFL learning and teaching in the future.
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