Wisdom of Leisure in Chinese Traditional Painting Theory and Its Enlightenment to the Contemporary Culture of Leisure

Xiuli NING


In modern times, the culture of leisure is playing a more important role in human life with rapid economic development and greatly improved life. Leisure may imply a deeper contemplation and wisdom in our life rather than merely take a rest in leisure time. But at present, there still exist many problems in human leisure life. These problems cause negative effects on people, society and ecological environment. Hence it needs to create good value-oriented leisure concepts. Painting was one of the most important ancient leisure styles in China. The ancient concepts of leisure involved in the painting theory are very rich. They can contribute a lot to the sound development of the modern society’s leisure concepts.


Chinese traditional painting theory; Wisdom of leisure; Contemporary culture of leisure

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/j.hess.1927024020130502.2737


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