Exploring Learners’ Perception on Communicative Coursebook by Metaphor Analysis: The Case of CECL



Despite the popularity of communicative approach in EFL contexts, the use of communicative coursebook in CLT class has not been well discussed. This exploratory study thus investigates through questionnaires how Chinese students view and understand a set of communicative coursebooks—CECL, short for Communicative English for Chinese Learners in classrooms. Questionnaires were distributed to 103 English majors who have studied the material for at least one year at university. Metaphors are used in the questionnaire to pin point both the strengths and weaknesses of the coursebook. By analyzing and categorizing metaphors by the students, the study found that students were generally positive about the material since they regarded the coursebook as all-inclusive, authentic, communicative, culture-bound and stimulating. Whereas, negative metaphors reflected students’ dissatisfaction with the coursebook due to its disorderly organization and outdated content. Blend metaphors revealed their contradictory feelings to both merits and demerits of the coursebook. The results indicated that task-based communicative materials might confuse students who have long been accustomed to text-based coursebooks and grammar teaching. Evaluation on materials from learners and necessary training on teachers are needed to bridge the gap between theory and practice in classrooms.


Communicative coursebook; CECL; Metaphor; Metaphor analysis

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/j.hess.1927024020130502.2699


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