Investigating the Effectiveness of Peer Reviewing in a Moroccan University EFL Writing Class
Although the effectiveness of peer reviewing has been established in some second language (L2) and foreign language (FL) writing contexts, its effectiveness in the Moroccan EFL context remains unexplored. The present paper reports on a quasi-experimental study designed to investigate the effectiveness of peer reviewing activity in Ibn Zohr University in Agadir, Morocco. The study aimed at (a) examining the effect of peer reviewing on the writing quality of the students’ revised drafts, (b) evaluating the validity and relevance of feedback provided by peers, (c) and surveying the students’ perceptions and attitudes towards the peer reviewing activity. Participants were 60 Moroccan freshmen who were enrolled in a spring semester composition course. The participants had been taught a twelve-session paragraph writing course, during which they received instruction and training on peer feedback practice. A pre-test post-test research design was used to collect data, which included the first drafts of participants’ paragraphs, their revised drafts, the written comments and suggestions provided in checklists, and the participants’ responses to a post-task questionnaire. The findings of both quantitative and qualitative analyses showed that peer reviewing is an effective activity in the Moroccan university EFL context: the paired t-test results revealed that significant improvements (p<.005) were made in the revised drafts; the quantitative analysis of the completed checklists proved the participants’ ability to provide valid feedback, and the qualitative analyses of the questionnaire revealed a general acceptance of peer reviewing as a useful and appropriate pedagogical activity for Moroccan university students. The findings of the study are interpreted with regard to some limitations it involves as well as some research areas that need to be investigated by future studies.
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