The Dialectic between the Development of Consciousness and the Realization of Self: A Brief Look at Ursula in The Rainbow

Weigui ZHOU


Ursula Brangwen is one main character in D. H. Lawrence’s novel, The Rainbow, which presents to the readers a careful chronology of the progression of the Brangwens’ family life. As a surrogate of Lawrence himself, Ursula’s experience and mental growth, to a large extent, represent Lawrence’s own philosophic concern and artistic pursuit. By investigating the growth of young Ursula, this article explores the dialectic between the development of consciousness and the realization of self from the perspective of Ecocritic approach. The development of consciousness makes one realize his ontological existence. However, to embrace a fully developed self, one has to be ontologically independent and, equally important, to establish a harmonious relationship with “the circumambient universe”.


D. H. Lawrence; The Rainbow; Ontological consciousness; Spiritual ecology

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