Speaking Fluency: Technology in EFL Context or Social Interaction in ESL Context?

Taher Bahrani


Language learning can occur outside the classroom setting unconsciously through interaction with the native speakers or exposure to authentic language input through technology. EFL context lacks the social interaction to boost language learning. Accordingly, this study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of exposure to audio/visual mass media as a source of language input in EFL context and social interaction as a source of language input in ESL context on speaking fluency. To achieve this purpose, a sample speaking test was administered to one hundred language learners in Iran which is an EFL context and one hundred language learners in Malaysia which is an ESL context. Then, forty participants from each context where selected. During the experiment, EFL participants had exposure to audio/visual mass media while the ESL participants had exposure to social interaction. At the end, both groups took another sample speaking test. The post-test showed that the EFL group performed better which proved that exposure to technology promotes speaking fluency. Key words: Exposure; Mass media; Social Context; EFL Context; ESL Context

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/n


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