Gender Apartheid and Its Effect on Family Relationships in TsiTsi Dangaremgba’s Nervous Conditions
One of the features of contemporary discourse is the emphasis on gender equality underscored by the efforts of the United Nations pursuit of an engendered culture and development. This paper approaches this subject from a different perspective. It focuses on the effect of gender apartheid on family relationships. This is done through the analysis of TsiTsi Dangaremgba’s Nervous Conditions. Traditional masculinity provides the theoretical framework of this study. The aim is to highlight the dangerous effect of gender apartheid on family relationships and to call for its total deconstruction. The paper dramatizes sour relationships among family members occasioned by the institution of gender apartheid in the family and concludes by calling for its total deconstruction. The paper recommends that parents especially fathers should endeavor to build intimate family relationships among siblings devoid of gender discrimination and inequality in pursuit of the construction of a more egalitarian society.
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