The Chinese Higher Educational Model: 1950s to 1980s

Liping DU


Chinese higher education policy has followed a fluctuating path determined by the twists and turns in the politics of the post-1949 Chinese state and that was particularly the case in the pre-reform era (1950s-1970s). This article, through investigating the changes of leadership that have occurred in Chinese universities and the duties of university administrators, examines the zigzag course which Chinese higher education policy has followed, identifying the model that shaped China’s higher education during the period from the 1950s to the 1980s. It also looks at what changes have taken place in China’s higher education since the 1980s, putting the pre-reform model in a broader context of China’s educational development. The article argues that the post-reform model for China’s higher education has functioned primarily in setting the political limits for the professional and commercial development of higher education in the course of China’s market-oriented reforms. In comparison with this political boundary-based model, the Chinese higher educational model during the period from the 1950s to 1980s could be identified as a management-oriented model. Not only did it set political limits but it also played an active role in informing the important managerial practices involved in the operation of Chinese universities.


Model; Management; Leadership; Chinese higher education

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