Shaping up Information Literacy in a New Venue, a University in Bangladesh

Md. Zahid Hossain Shoeb


The purpose of this study is to rationalize the Information Literacy Education (ILE) and to initiate a small scaled ILE programme for the Freshman undergraduate students who determined to study business at Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB). As most of the students of IUB are from the business discipline so the target group is specified only for this group for this exploration. This study intended to suggest ILE programme with specific goals, objectives, activities and resources which may be relevant for the target group and may fit with the institutional mission of IUB. Freshman students were asked to fill a set of structured questionnaire which assessed their level of information skills and Information Literacy (IL) behaviour. A number of real life cases concerning IUB business students were also observed. Based on basic IL competency assessment and real life problems the necessity of ILE and a suitable programme are proposed for the target group. Though IUB business students are secured in job market and contribution is notable, but they require more competencies to solve Information related problems critically. Regarding perception of IL behaviour, a changed attitude of the respondents is observed which is significant and visible in general. It is assumed that most of them realized their need for IL Education to solve their information related problems. A small scaled programme in present infra-structure of the library and concerned school is suggested for the newcomers. Though this type of ILE research result may be described elsewhere, but programme-based ILE study is for the first time in Bangladesh. Undoubtedly, this is basic by nature, but this study will foster more research in this context of information liter-acy in Bangladesh. Here, the topic of this paper is in a new venue, a university in Bangladesh, contributes to the knowledge in the discipline of information literacy education program based on explorations, perception and review.


Information literacy; Higher education; Information competency; ILE Curriculum; Bangladesh

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