Perceived Influence of Lecturers’ Rating of Accreditation Exercise on Quality Assurance in Universities in South East States, Nigeria
This study examined perceived influence of lecturers’ ratings of accreditation exercise on quality assurance in universities in south east states in Nigeria. The study was carried out using two research questions and two hypotheses. The research design adopted for the study is a descriptive survey design which involved inferential approach. The population of the study comprise 3,843 members of academic staff of the five public state owned universities in south east geo-political zone of Nigeria. The sample for this study is 384 academic staff from the five state universities in the South East Geo-Political Zone of Nigeria. Proportionate cluster random sampling technique was used as the sampling technique for this study. The instrument used for collecting the data for the study is a rating scale titled: “Extent of Accreditation Exercise Influence on Quality Assurance Scale (EAEIQAS)”. The instrument was validated by two experts in Measurement and Evaluation and three experts in Educational Management. The reliability index of 0.80 was gotten for the instrument using Cronbach alpha statistics. The research questions were answered using mean score and standard deviation statistics while the hypotheses were tested using one sample t-test statistics at 0.05 level of significance. The major findings are that the lecturers’ ratings of accreditation exercise on academic content of state universities in South East is high and significantly above average, and the ratings of accreditation exercise on staffing of state universities in South East is high and significantly above average. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that the universities should improve more on their academic content as this will help to inculcate the required academic knowledge and skills to her graduates as a sign of quality indicator.
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