An Empirical Study on the Effectiveness of Multimedia Annotation to the News Listening Comprehension
With the continuous progress of science and technology, computers are more widely used in English teaching. In most English classes, computer aided learning and teaching has become an indispensable part of classroom activities. On the other hand, enhancing language skills through multimedia technologies become one of the scholars’ concerns. English tests like College English Test (CET) is very popular among the Chinese mainland English learners, to whom the listening part is always the hardest section. Accordingly, how to improve their listening comprehension in the news section leaves us a hot debate in nowadays. For this purpose, through the investigation of how the news listening comprehension is subject to different modes of multimedia annotations, the paper tries to find out the correlation between the effectiveness of multimedia glossaries and listening comprehension of the Chinese mainland EFL learners and hopefully the study could inspire the language educators and other related professions.
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