The Experience of Alienation in Season of Migration to the North and Song of Solomon: A comparative Study of Mustafa Saeed and Milkman
The study aims at tracing out the comparable value Al-tayeb Saleh and Toni Morrison partake and deciphers it through their narratives Season of Migration to the North (SMN) and Song of Solomon (SS). It investigates Afro-Arabs and Afro-Americans’ sense of alienation, a recurring theme in modern literature in general and the novel in particular. These novelists present a painstaking study of the effects of alienation which is a result of loss of identity on Afro-Arabs and Afro-Americans represented by Mustafa Saeed and Milkman. It holds out how the manifestation of alienation in both narratives are exhibited and also to show to what extent time and place have a role in promoting alienation features. A major objective of the study is to show how racism and the white values affect Afro-Arabs and Afro-Americans who undergo the impact of colonialization and materialism for ages. The comparative methodology is used to show the outcome of adopting the white values and neglecting the past. It is concluded that denying one’s history and adopting the destructive ideas of the other that contradict societies that have an intellectual, cultural and religious legacy is ruinous as it leads one to alienation. Getting the best of the other as well as preserving original roots is necessary for a healthy and balanced personality. What impels me to tackle such topic is the timeless trauma and dilemma shared and experienced by Afro-Arabs and Afro-Americans due to their color.
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