Classroom Participation and Study Habit as Predictors of Achievement in Literature-in-English
Monovariate studies have confirmed the positive influence of classroom Participation and Study habit on students’ academic achievement in general. However, the extent to which each of these variables could predict students’ achievement in Literature in English has not being a focus of much research attention. Hence, this study attempted to investigate the extent to which classroom participation and study habits predicted students’ academic achievement in Literature-in-English in selected senior secondary school in Ibadan North Local Government Area of Oyo State.Five research questions were raised to guide this study. The study adopted descriptive research design of ex-post facto type. The sample comprised 500 senior secondary school two (SSS2) students from ten selected secondary schools in Ibadan North Local Government Area of Oyo State. The three instruments used for data collection were students classroom participation scale (SCPS) (r = 0.79), students study habits questionnaire (SSHQ) (r = 0.76) and Literature-in-English achievement Test (LAT) (r = 0.74). Data collected were analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) and Multiple Regression Analysis. The results were interpreted at P<.05The results revealed that: there was a significant relationship between classroom participation and students’ achievement in Literature in English (r =.134, df = 498; p<.05); there was no significant relationship between study habits and students’ achievement in Literature in English (r=.042, df= 498; P<.05); there was a significant relative contribution of classroom participation on students’ achievement in Literature in English (β =.131); there was no significant relative contribution of study habits on students’ achievement in Literature in English (β = 0.21); there was a significant composite effect of classroom participation and study habits on students’ achievement in Literature in English (β =.134;F1,498 = 4.663; P <.05). The findings finally indicated that classroom participation was the only variable that predicted students’ achievement in Literature in English. Based on the findings, it was commended that teachers should allow students to contribute and share ideas freely among their colleagues while Curriculum planners should suggest teaching and learning activities that could give room for students’ active participation in class when designing Literature in English curriculum.
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