Personhood (one) in Igala Worldview: A Philosophical Appraisal

Fidelis Eleojo Egbunu


Personhood in Igala worldview dwells on the centrality of the human person in the universe. The Igala understanding is employed as a launch-pad unto the general African perspective on this all-important discourse. Using the hermeneutical, descriptive and analytical methods, the people’s worldview is sieved from some of their traditional and cultural beliefs and practices as the Western classical philosophical ideas and some basic African thoughts are brought to bear on our subject matter. While attempting to posit a sound basis on the Igala ontology of Being in line with certain yardsticks, they proposed in defining the human person, the concept of solidarity and communal living is presented as a crucial desideratum in any meaningful reflection in this respect.


Lgala worldview; Hermeneutical; African thoughts; Western classical philosophical ideas


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