What Is Anthropology ?
There is a variety approaches to the definition of anthropology described and it is shown that the contents of the term anthropology is distinguished by the unique multi-valence. It is analyzed how the development of mathematics, physics , astronomy, cosmology and other natural sciences raised the questions and problems of pure anthropologic contents even before the natural scientists and mathematicians. Then the conclusion is made that the philosophic history places every man to the necessity of a serious choice between such two opposed opinions:
(1) Man is a measure of all things and also a top of evolution. But if the personality of man vanishes after the death, then the role of man is similar to the role of a soap bubble. Moreover, if the Universe is dying, then the role of all mankind is similar to the role of the short-lived soap foam. It is possible to show that this opinion is internally contradictory.
(2) Man is a top of the God Creation, to which after the penitence before God and acceptance of the Christ expiating sacrifice it is given the eternal life and the government of the Creation under the leadership of God – and then his existence has the real sense in the eternity! And also the modern science does not contradict to this.
In conclusion it is established that namely the biblical theology solved the question how man can obtain the Truth in the sense of the adequate reflection of the reality.Full Text:
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/%25x
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