Utilization of Media as a Tool for Marginalization: Foreign Bride Game Show Example
Media, which is one of the primary sources of meaning schemas in a society, paves the way for establishing different social maps with the statements offered. Television is one of the most efficient fields, where social group members are subject to classification as “ours” and “others”. Television is not an environment, where images flow and echo only, but it is a tool, where individuals construct their identities, define themselves and reflect their fears, dreams and wishes related to others. In this study1, a foreign bride game show, which was broadcasted live and where the program aimed to add an individual outside of Turkey with different language, religion and culture to a traditional Turkish family, is examined on the basis of critical statement analysis. It is seen on the program that we define and construct our own identity on television screen with Turkish men, Turkish customs, and foreign girls’ statements. Also, the language used in the program, the stressed words, the places shown, organized activities, the behaviors put forward showed that a clear marginalization strategy is being made.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/%25x
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