Diaspora and Multiculturalism in Reconstructing the Cultural Identity of Arabs in America
Diaspora and multiculturalism have been playing an important role in reconstructing the cultural identity of Arab immigrants in America. This paper attempts to highlight the roots, values and beliefs of Arab culture and explores how Arabs understand their culture and identity. The significance of the study is to draw attention to the original culture of Arabs and understanding the religious, cultural and social influences on the lives of Arabs in America. It attempts to take a deep dive into their culture, daily life, customs and traditions and highlights the issues that negatively cause the cultural perplexity among Arab-Americans from a socio-political perspective. Additionally, it sheds light on the history of the Arab immigration to the United States and hardly brings together essential efforts to present an important description of Arab culture for the reader, mainly for those who are non-Arabs, to know more about Arabs. Moreover, another focus of this study is to bring a space for an Arab culture in the multicultural communities and have a closer scrutiny on the historical background of Arab-American culture and identity. Finally, the paper aims at focusing on a role made by the western hegemonic discourse in redefining Arabs and their culture in America.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/10969
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