Enhance Plugging Performance of Microgel by Introducing Cationic Group

LI Guanghui, ZHANG Guicai


To enhance plugging performance of microgels, a series of microgels with varied cationic degrees was synthesized by inverse microemulsion polymerization with acrylamide and methylacryloxylethyl trimethyl ammonium chloride as monomers. The properties and performance of cationic microgels were examined by transmission electron microscope, dynamic light scattering analysis, viscosity measurement and plugging test. The results show that cationic microgel exhibits better ability in water adsorption and viscosity enhancement than nonionic microgels. It can efficiently plug formation with permeability lower than 1200×10-3 μm2 (mD), compared to 800 mD of nonionic microgels. The optimal cationic degree is 10%.
Key words: Cationic microgel; Polyacrylamide; Profile control


Cationic microgel; Polyacrylamide; Profile control

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/j.aped.1925543820130602.1718


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