Population and Mutagenesis or About Hardy and Weinberg One Methodical Mistake

Andrey N. Volobuev, Peter I. Romanchuk, Vladimir K. Malishev


The existing discrete form of the Hardy-Weinberg genetic law is applicable for a family tree. For population it is necessary to use a continuous time scale. The differential form of the Hardy-Weinberg law is offered. On the basis of this form of the law the demographic problem is considered where oncological diseases connected with the action of the stochastic mutagen factor. Genetic-mathematical aspects of hemophilia are considered in the assumption of the equivalent constant mutagen factor action.


Hardy-Weinberg law; Family tree; Population; Mutations; Selection

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/j.ans.1715787020130604.2860

DOI (PDF): http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/g5388


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