Optimization of Curing Process for Carbon Fiberpreparation from Wood-Phenol Liquefaction Product
In this study, China fir was liquefied in phenol, and liquefactionproduct was used to produce carbon fiber precursors by curing process. The effect of heating rate, curing temperature, curing time and hydrochloric acid concentration on curing processwas investigated by orthogonal experimentsin term of the crystallinityof carbon fiber precursors produced.According to experiment results, the primary and secondary relation of the four variables is: curing time>curing temperature>hydrochloric acid concentration >heating rate. The optimal conditions of curing technology are as follow: heating rate of 15 °C/h, curing temperature of 90 °C, curing time of 2 h with hydrochloric acid concentration of 18.5%. Using the optimal conditions, carbon fiber precursors could obtain the highest crystallinity of 36.96%.
Key words: Carbon fiber precursors; Curing; Crystallinity; Liquefaction; Phenol
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/j.ans.1715787020110402.L700
DOI (PDF): http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/g2210
DOI (indexed/included/archived): http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/g4684
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