Analysis and Prospects on Current Situation of China MSW Education

Lin LU, Yan LIU


In recent years, along with China’s rapid economic development, social contradictions and problems related to social security, education, personal relationships and other aspects become more prominent. Professional social services including difficulty relief, conflict mediation, psychological counseling, behavioral therapy, social function repair, etc., have been actively concerned and highlighted by the Chinese government. To accelerate social construction which focuses on safeguarding and improving people’s livelihood, the government proposed to strengthen the social work professionals construction. According to China’s current actual situation, professional social workers mainly source from colleges and universities which provide professional education, especially those with master of social work points. It can be seen that development of MSW education is directly related to the quality of social work professionals, thus affecting social construction in China. Although WSW has successively been established in many colleges and universities, but due to various factors under strong support from the government, the training effects were unsatisfactory due to many reasons. Therefore, the authors of this paper reflect the current situation of MSW education in China, and on this basis, explore its future development path.


Essence of MSW education; Current educational status; Practice teaching

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