The Discussion of the HRM Practices and Procedures in Non-Profit Organization: A Case Study of Sunshine Consulting Call Center

Wei CHEN, Zhizhang WANG


Sunshine Consulting Call Center (SCCC) is a call centre (CC) which offers consulting service to women who are suffering domestic violence. It is a non-profit organization that provides high quality service with low cost. All of SCCC’s operators are volunteers. So, the Human Resource Management (HRM) practices and procedures in SCCC are different with that of profit CC. The recruitment process lays emphasis on recruitees’ emotional intelligence; performance management uses more informal evaluation rather than hard monitoring; training should not only offer to new recruiters, but also old volunteers; employees well-being consideration, which include stress management, work-life policies and occupational health and safety (OHS) also offered to retain and motivate volunteers.


Non-profit organization; Call center; Volunteer; HRM practices

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