Marketing Strategies for Chery Automobile Corporation

Junjie ZHANG, Xiajing DAI


A marketing strategy is a road map for the marketing activities of an organization for future period of time. It always helps the organization to understand clearly about the questions like these: what are we now? Where do we want to go? How do we allocate our resources to get to where we want to go? How do we convert our plans into actions? How do our results compare our plans, and do deviations require new plans and actions? The paper tries to formulate a marketing strategy for Chery Automobile Corporation which is a Chinese local car manufacturer with short history. Chery’s business mission is to improve living standards of Chinese people and people around the world by providing automobiles with reliable quality but affordable price. PEST analysis and SWOT analysis are conducted to help Chery to know its external business environment as well as internal environment well. And then marketing strategies as well as detailed marketing mix including product, price, placement and promotion actions are recommended for Chery, finally, suitable organization structure and effective control mechanism are also stated.


Marketing strategy; PEST, SWOT; Marketing mix

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