Terrorism and Counter Terrorism in Nigeria: Theoretical Paradigms and Lessons for Public Policy

Don John O. Omale


The hemorrhagic acts of the Boko Haram and Niger Delta militants in Nigeria warrants an exhaustive discourse on terrorism and counter terrorism in Nigeria. This paper argues that countering terrorism in Nigeria involves understanding the nexus of extremism and criminality in the political, social and religious spheres. It argues in line with Cockayne (2011) that there is a growing recognition internationally that criminal networks (both local and transnational) threaten not only to fuel violent conflict, but also to undermine democratic gains-by criminalising politics and instrumentalising continuing disorder. This author addresses this issue using literature evidence and ethno-methodology (ethnography and historiography) to advance this discourse. The author reviews historical evidence on terrorism, proposes some relative theoretical explanations and suggests economic, security and socio-psychological measures to counter terrorism in Nigeria.


Terrorism; Counter terrorism; Boko Haram; Militancy in Nigeria


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/j.css.1923669720130903.2916


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