The Development of an Evaluation Model on Learning Management of Foreign Language Teachers in the World-Class Standard Primary Schools

Penprapa Kuapituk, Songsak Phusee-orn, Nawamin Prachanant


The research aimed to develop the evaluation model on learning management of foreign language teachers in the world class standard primary schools by using research and development process. The research was divided into 4 stages: (1) analyzed and synthesized the concept of learning management of foreign language teachers in the world class standard primary schools (2) constructed an evaluation model (3) trialed the evaluation model and (4) evaluated the evaluation model. The instruments used in this research consisted of an interview form, observation forms, evaluation forms and a questionnaire. The qualitative data were analyzed by contents analysis. The quantitative data were analyzed through basic statistics comprising percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Signed Ranks Test and The Mann-Whitney U-Test were employed for testing hypotheses. The results of the study were as follows: 1) The concept of learning management of foreign language in the world class standard primary schools followed the principles of the Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E 2551. It was integrated by the world class curriculum to accelerate the potential of learners to the citizenship of the world; however, most WCS have not had the evaluation model on learning management. 2) The evaluation model on learning management of foreign language teachers in the world class standard primary schools consisted of 4 components: (1) the goal of evaluation (2) the objects of evaluation (3) the method of evaluation, and (4) the criteria of evaluation. 3) The discriminant validity of the evaluation model was statistically significant at .01 level. This improved the development of teachers on learning management which indicated that the mean score of the second evaluation was higher than the first evaluation with statistically significant at .01 level. 4) The evaluation model on learning management of foreign language teachers in the world class standard primary schools had overall standards for utility, feasibility propriety and accuracy at the high level. Classified by four aspects, it was found at the highest level in utility and accuracy, while other aspects were at a high level.

Key words: An evaluation model; Learning management; Foreign language teachers; The World-Class Standard Schools (WCS)


An evaluation model; Learning management; Foreign language teachers; The World-Class Standard Schools (WCS)


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