A Longitudinal Study of Self-Regulated Learning in an Online Game-Based EFL Formative Assessment Blended Learning Environment
Self-regulated learning (SRL) is one of the central parts of online formative assessment and well-worth an in-depth study. But it is noted that some essential issues of formative assessment remain rarely touched yet, such as the question of how online formative assessment interacts with the learners’ motivation, self-efficacy beliefs, and regulation of learning, and so on. Given the above question mentioned, this paper reports a case study of SRL in an online blended formative assessment module in the context of non-English-major college English learning. The intent of the present research is to exemplify how SRL, an active area in educational psychology, can help to investigate the mechanism and process of SRL in the online formative assessment environment over a long period of time.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/9749
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