Providing a Model of Factors Affecting the Spread of Peace Culture, Based on Basic Education System of Afghanistan
The harmful effects of incitement to war and conflict in small and large sectors have always caused problems for countries and prevented the comprehensive growth and development of countries such as Afghanistan, which needs to be prevented by spreading culture of peace and teaching it during basic education; The best and most possible era. Accordingly, this study aims to provide a model of factors affecting the spread of a culture of peace based on the basic education system in Afghanistan; it was formed based on a mixed study. The design of this research was an exploratory mix that first collected qualitative data. The population of this research was in the qualitative part of experts in the field of basic education, culture of peace and educational cases in this field, which was obtained by sampling the criterion that was obtained after interviewing 12 people. The quantitative part of the population was all experts that are involved and addressed in the subject that are 385 people whom participated in the research in an accessible way. The research findings showed that the four main components of teacher, curriculum planning, school management and macro educational policies are related to the development of a culture of peace based on the basic education system in Afghanistan and the study of coefficients and rankings in this field showed that macro educational policies, teacher characteristics, curriculum planning and school management have the greatest impact on the spread of a culture of peace based on the basic education system in Afghanistan, respectively. The findings of the model showed that all aspects of the model are effective in this field and the model is a good fit and has comprehensiveness.
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