What is the Balance of Knowledge and Technology?: Study on the Path of Enhancing the Core Literacy of University Teachers in the Context of New Engineering
The new engineering discipline will be built with the concept of facing future changes and leading the new industrial revolution, with “integration and innovation” as the new education paradigm, cultivating future-oriented and innovative engineering talents with modern thinking. The “new” engineering education is born out of the contradiction between national industrial development and talent demand. At the same time, the key to the new engineering education lies in the “new paradigm”, which lies in using the new “engineering paradigm” to revitalize the “old” engineering majors, not in eliminating the “old” engineering majors. The key is to revitalize the “old” engineering professions with a new “engineering paradigm”, not to eliminate the “old” engineering professions. The Fourth Industrial Revolution has already sounded the trumpet of “emancipation of labour” and “integration of innovation”. Therefore, the key connotation of the “new” engineering majors should be on what kind of “new” engineering talents should be cultivated, and what kind of “new literacy” should be possessed by university teachers, and how should university teachers be trained in “cross-border integration”? It is urgent to think about and discuss how to balance the relationship between “learning from all” and “specialization and knowledge” in “cross-border integration”.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/12482
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