The Zionist Vision of the Transjordan Region: The Historical and Future Vision
This study aims to research the vision of the Zionist ideology for the Transjordan region of Jordan through the previous historical periods, and to research the future vision of it in light of the deal of the century and the transformations in the region, this study attempts to clarify the factors that led to Zionism’s interest in the Transjordan region, whether this interest was at the same level across historical periods, or whether there was a transformations in it, in addition to explain the future Zionist vision for Transjordan (the Jordanian state) in the light of the deal of the century, The study required research into the historical roots of the Zionist vision for the Transjordan region and its changes, In addition to analyzing some biblical texts, the opinions and statements of some Zionist thinkers and leaders, and analyzing the texts of the Deal of the Century, and clarify the reasons for choosing Jordan as an alternative homeland, The study concluded that Transjordan has a special importance in the Zionist thought, which for a long time considered it an extension of historical Palestine, but after the 1967 war it abandoned its claim and considered it the best place to establish an alternative homeland for the Palestinians, which if achieved would help Israel get rid of the burden the Palestinian demographic by displacing Palestinians to Transjordan and settling refugees there, and that contributes to achieving an important aim for Israel, which is the Jewishness of the state; Thus, the Palestinian issue is resolved, and Israel becomes a natural part of the region, which makes it easier for it to play the role of the leader of the region.
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