Connecting Creativity With Intuitive Knowing
“Eureka!” as he dashed out from the bath, Archimedes shouted, while running naked. This event marked a historical moment of intuition and creativity of human beings. Although modern business leaders value the relation between intuition and creation, there is little guidance on the topic. That is, there does not seem to be sufficient research on the correlation between intuition and creation – especially on the relation between intuition and creative process. By specifying “schematic intuition” and “non-schematic intuition” according to their respective characteristics, this paper will investigate the relation between intuition and creative process, and verify the correlation between the two with questionnaire survey results. The findings of this paper can be summarized as follows: (a) Incubation and illumination are correlated with non-schematic intuition. (b) Schematic intuition has correlation only with illumination. The author investigates the causes of the result and argues that corporate organization can enhance intuition and creativity by ameliorating its
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