The Legal Framework of Electronic Data Crimes

Shayma Muhammed Saeed, Ali Ahmad Al Zubi


In order to determine the legal framework of these crimes, we should distinguish between two types of crimes or attack electronic data, the first type when the technology of electronic data process and telecommunication have used in remote to commit crimes. In other words these crimes are committed through computer and the criminal description of these businesses belongs to the known of types of traditional crimes like theft, fraud and other crimes. This type of crimes call un informatics in the global information network “ internet” also this field includes the crimes of usage of “internet” and electronic data processes tools to show the pornographic images or diffusion a messages which are inciting to racism, racial, religious, discrimination or exposure to the personal liberty or intellectual property. The second types of electronic data process crimes when the technology of the electronic data and telecommunications are on remote and make it as a means of this crimes and their purpose too. And now we are in front of anew criminal acts which associated mostly to the exposure of security and integrity of electronic data systems and the confidentiality of the data and information that consist on. And this type of criminal information network called “internet”, this is done in the case of illegal entry in to these systems and exposure to it or to the information that contain it. So this research will base on the electronic data crimes which are connected to the internet, when it becomes a direct target and a goal in their contents, and regardless on the impulsive of behind of committing.


Legal framework; Data crimes

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