
Qiang KANG


Paralanguage is a very important aspect in human language communication. In the communication of people it is not only the important method to express the significance, the essential middle link of words, but also is the same with the language communication and other non-language communications, can transmit the different semantic information, express varies words significance, has the special communicative function and value. Paralanguage makes the language communication to be more accurate, vividly and full of expressive force. It plays the role of make the words significance determined, beautification, substitution and deepened.
Paralanguage is the important component of our natural communication; it is essential supplement to the spoken language communication. The same with language, paralanguage is also a part of culture. Paralanguage and language form an omni-directional communication system together. The lack of any side will cause incomplete of communication and efficiency reduction. We have to use paralanguage appropriately in communication.
In addition, paralanguage has its arbitrariness and will cause the multi-dimensional pattern of culture.


Paralanguage; Feature; Word significance

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