The Explanation of Force Dynamics Model for Patient Subject Construction in Contemporary Chinese



The contemporary Chinese Patient Subject Construction (PSC) focuses on the patients, of which it notes changes, status or the speaker’s subjective evaluation. This paper intends to present a unified definition of application conditions for contemporary Chinese PSC by employing the force dynamics model in cognitive semantics. The force dynamics of PSC are summarized as that the agonist has motion tendency and inclination of absorbing force application, or a case that the force is broken by those against the agonist. The results tend to be static, while the agonist degrades and the anti agonist focuses and move to the foreground.

Key words: Force Dynamics; Patient Subject Construction in Contemporary Chinese; Agonist Degradation; Antagonist Foreground


Force Dynamics; Patient Subject Construction in Contemporary Chinese; Agonist Degradation; Antagonist Foreground


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