A Study on Users’ Attitudes on the Treatment of the Cultural Content in the College EFL Textbook

Juan WU


This paper investigates 286 non-English majors and 32 English teachers’ attitudes on the treatment of the cultural content in textbooks by using Huhn’s criteria. All of the participants are from the Tianjin Polytechnic University (TJPU). The aim of this thesis is to offer some valuable information and suggestions to the compilation of the fifth phase of college English textbooks and the implementation of the culture teaching. The results show that the student and teacher subjects’ attitudes on the treatment of the cultural content in the chosen textbooks are basically reasonable and tend to be the same.

Key words: College English Textbooks; Textbook evaluation; The treatment of the cultural content


College English Textbooks; Textbook evaluation; The treatment of the cultural content


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Cunningsworth, A. (2002). Choosing your coursebook. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hinkel, Eli. (Ed.). (2005). Culture in second language teaching and learning. Shanghai: Shanghai foreign Language Education Press.

Huhn, P. (1978). Landeskunde im Lehrbuch: Aspekte Der Analyse, Kritik Undkorrektrven Behandlung. In W. Kahlwei & G. Kadden (Eds.), Sparche and Kultur Tubingen: Gunter Narr.

Li Yinhua (Ed.). (2001). College English (New Edition). Shanghai: Shanghai foreign Language Education Press.

Zhang, H. L. (2007). Intercultural approach to foreign language teaching. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/j.css.1923669720130902.6294


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