Fictive Motion in Chinese and English Tourist Guidebooks

Peggy Wei-lun Tsai, Shelley Ching-yu Hsieh


This study focuses on the usage of fictive motion in tourist guidebooks. The analysis for the study draws on the theories of image schema and metaphorical extension (Johnson, 1987; Lakoff, 1987 & 1989). Fictive motion is often used to depict the features of natural scenery and the movement of time. We concentrate on the spatial description of fictive motion with data taken from official tourist guidebooks for seven National Parks in Taiwan. Both the narrations in Chinese and in English versions are analyzed. From the comparison, we attempt to assist tourist comprehension of the narratives in tourist guidebooks. The research results indicate that fictive motion description is often used in the depiction of linear movement or for the location of scenic spots, as for example with The river starts from the mountain in English and yan2 shi2 huan2 rao4 si4 zhou1 ‘the rock surrounded’ in Chinese. There are varied applications of fictive motion in Chinese and English, but fictive motion in both languages also shares common characteristics in spatial description.

Key words: Fictive motion; Tourist guidebooks; Image schema; Metaphorical extension; Spatial description


Fictive motion; Tourist guidebooks; Image schema; Metaphorical extension; Spatial description


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