An Empirical Study on Problems Involved in CET-4 Communicative Listening Test and Teaching
Due to testing and teaching are indivisible partners in language education, effective interface of each other will do a good contribution to their common progress and development. This article enlists two representative classes of sophomores coming from Hubei University of Education as the sample to conduct the empirical research on what are the potential problems involved in CET-4 communicative listening test and teaching in the methods of comparison and analysis with the help of the instrument SPSS (Statistics Planning of Social Science). The research findings demonstrate that some problems eager for reformation do exist; furthermore, most of subjects suggest that current comprehension-oriented CET-4 listening test and teaching and passing-exam-centered teaching activities should be transferred into communication-oriented one in purpose of promoting students’ authentic English communicative competence.
Key words: Problems; CET-4 (College English Test Band 4); Communicative listening test and teaching; Empirical study
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