Introduction to Membership Rights

Debin HOU


Ever since Mr. XIE Huaishi proposed that membership rights should be recognized as an independent kind of rights in 1990s, the research of membership rights has remained at the initial stage which only focuses on its definition and concept. This paper tries to give preliminary answers to membership rights’ nature, powers and functions, and realization, etc. so that to inspire scholars and researchers in investigating new kind of rights.

Key words: Membership rights; Commune members’ rights; Powers and functions


Membership rights; Commune members’ rights; Powers and functions


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Wei Zhenying (2007). Civil Law (p. 40). Beijing: Peking University Press & Higher Education Press.

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Hu Changqing (2003). General Introduction to Chinese Civil Law (p. 132). Beijing: China University of Politic Science and Law Press.

Xie Huaishi (1996). Study on Civil Rights System. Chinese Journal of Law, (2).

Li Yichen (2004). General Principles of Civil Law (p. 110). Beijing: China Integrity Press.

Karl Larenz (2003). General Principles of Germany Civil Law. (Wang Xiaoye et al. Trans) (pp. 288-289). Beijing: Law Press China.

Xingyeyingyi (2000). Person in Private Law (375). Wang Chuang Trans. Beijing: China Legal Publishing House & Jinqiao culture press co., LTD



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