Impediments to Entrepreneurship Development in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria
This study examines the issues and challenges to the growth of entrepreneurship in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. This investigation was informed by the fact that governments, the world over, have in recent times strived to encourage the growth and development of entrepreneurship as an agent of economic transformation. This work therefore did a critical analysis of the challenges, with insight into their implications for the development of the Niger Delta region’s economy in particular and national economy at large. The study employed a survey research design and gathered data from both the primary and secondary sources. With the use of correlation statistics, it was found that lack of access to finance and poor infrastructural facilities (e.g. power supply) ranked first among other challenges that impede the growth of entrepreneurship in the Niger Delta region. Based on this, we recommended that a rural-development programme such as Entrepreneurial Skills Development (ESD) and institutions such as Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) should be established to educates villagers/Niger Deltans on the need for and advantages of innovations in their economically productive activities such as entrepreneurship while government is advised to shift its efforts and policies toward addressing these impediments especially the inadequate and deteriorated state of infrastructural facilities which are at the cradle of any meaningful advancement in entrepreneurship. It is by this that the growth of entrepreneurship in the region would be achieved.
Key words: Entrepreneurship; Small businesses; Enterprise development
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