Discussion on the Democratic Value Orientation of International Law

Jiabing WANG


Since the end of the Cold War, democratic values have become one of the core values of international law. In the current international law, the democracy as the value of international law is not yet become the legal norms of international law. The implementation of democratic values of international law should respect the sovereign value as a prerequisite and subordinate to the values of peace.

Key words: International law; Democracy; Value orientation; Sovereign; Peace


International law; Democracy; Value orientation; Sovereign; Peace


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Burnell, P. (2002). Democracy Assistance: International Co-operation for Democratization. London: Frank Cass.

Gregory H. Fox & Brad R. Roth (2000). Democratic Governance and International Law. Cambridge University Press.

Held, D. (n.d.). Democracy and the Global Order: From the Modern State to Cosmopolitan Governance. Polity Press.

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James Crawford (1994). Democracy in International Law: Inaugural Lecture Delivered 5 March 1993. Cambridge University Press.

Kuper, A. (2004). Democracy Beyond Borders: Justice and Representation in Global Institutions. Oxford University Press.

Richard Burchil (2006). Democracy and International Law. Ashgate Publishing.

Scott Thompson (2008). Can Might Make Right? The Use of Force to Impose Democyacy and the Arthurian Dilema in the Modern Era. Law and Contemporary Problems, 71, 165-172.

Susan Marks (2000). The Riddle of All Constitutions: International Law, Democracy and the Critique of Ideology. Oxford University Press.

Wolfrum, R., & Röben, V. (2008). Legitimacy in International Law. Springer Press, 8.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/j.css.1923669720120806.1105


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