Global Democratisation and Capitalism: Discovering the Third World States in the Era of Limited State and Unlimited Quest

Lere Amusan, Samuel Oyewole


The complexity of democratisation has mystified the reality of the Third World States (TWS) democracy. Accountability inherent in market democracy is dual and the compliance of government in this spectrum is important on ideological and political grounds. This work intends to contribute to the argument around globalisation as related to state functions and the positions of democracies. The paper wishes to address ideological connotation of minimum state as forwarded by neo-liberalists and maximum quest as reflected by aspirations, needs and wants of people across the world. We therefore draw conclusion that state minimisation in the era of maximum quest is less fit in this complex interdependent epoch.

Key words: Democratisation; Third world states; Globalisation; Limited state; Unlimited quest


Democratisation, Third world states, Globalisation, Limited state, Unlimited quest


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