The Effectiveness of Anti-corruption Agencies in Enhancing Good Governance and Sustainable Developmental Growth in Africa: The Nigeria Paradox under Obasanjo Administration, 2003-2007

Stephen Ocheni, Basil C. Nwankwo


Nigeria’s public image at international scene has been very negatively, impressed. Since 1966 when the first military coup took place on the account of corruption, the country is still searching for better atmosphere that could guarantee corrupt free society. Since the early 2000’s when Transparency International ranked the country the second most corrupt nation in the world, the government has been working assiduously to make sure that the Nigeria image is being treated with respect. Nigeria and indeed Africa are so enmeshed in corruption that their leadership is either positioning for life leadership or wealth for great, great, grand children unborn. Also in these countries, hunger is so pronounced that people throw away conscience and decorum for survival. In a bid to fight these ills and join the wagon for good governance, viable democracy and developmental growth, some African countries like Ghana, South Africa, Nigeria, etc. have been making efforts towards attaining such desired governance. In Nigeria many anti corruption agencies are established, both public and private, all aimed at fighting against corruption and enthronement of better governance. In this paper some of these anti-corruption agencies are critiqued and their impacts are also empirically examined.
Key Words: Anti-corruption agencies; Good governance; Sustainable development


Anti-corruption agencies; Good governance; Sustainable development


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