Re-engineering African Political Leadership Through Good Governance for Sustainable Development and Growth in Africa

Stephen Ocheni, Basil C. Nwankwo


The history of Africa from the pre-colonial till date clearly shows that it is a continent with all the potentialities for greatness. What is largely lacking is the proper leadership that could successfully harness abundant natural resources of Africa for sustainable growth and development. The development of Africa is in the hands of Africans as President Barack Obama of the United States of America rightly observed in his recent trip to Ghana. Therefore, what Africa needs to step into the terrain of greatness are a political leadership that has integrity, accountability, transparency, vision, the education, the will, the credibility and the capacity to manage the process of change and a followership that is ready to change its attitude, its ways and taste.These are necessary qualities and attributes required in African Leadership to guarantee sustainable growth and development of the continent.
Key Words: Good Governance; Sustainable Development; Leadership; Africa


Good Governance; Sustainable Development; Leadership; Africa


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