The Impacts of Structural and Psychological Empowerment on Burnout:A Research on Staff Nurses in Turkish State Hospitals

Mustafa Fedai ÇAVUŞ, Yeter DEMİR


The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between the level of perceived structural and psychological empowerment and the level of burnout among nurses in health service organizations. Data for the present study were taken from the survey of state hospital nurses. This study employs a series of multiple regression analyses in order to address the effect of the level of empowerment on the level of burnout—as well as the effect of the level of each dimension of structural empowerment and psychological empowerment on the each dimension of burnout. The results indicate that nurses who perceive higher level psychological empowerment and lower level structural empowerment and burnout. In addition to the effect of empowerment or the dimensions of empowerment, it was found that various background factors influence the level of burnout perceived by nurses in the workplace.Keywords: Structural Empowerment; Psychological Empowerment; Burnout; Nurses; State Hospital; Turkey

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