Emotional Burnout Among Working Wives: Dimensions and Effect
Emotional burnout of the most important psycho-social phenomena which has roots Grounded in social relations—reactions in social interactions—especially in the work environment, and it goes beyond mental health by focusing on specific stressors in the workplace to emphasize total life and environmental pressures affecting health. This article examines and reveals the levels of Emotional Burnout among working wives, and how this relates to the demographic dimension. For this purpose, the general social surveying method was used to collect data. The Emotional Burnout scale was used to measure these levels in 600 employed women. Findings indicated that the level of Emotional Burnout among working women was moderate; and that the number of children was among the variables that had the greatest effect on raising the level of Emotional Burnout among the participants. Emotional Burnout is also harmful health-wise (headaches, eating disorders, irregularity in heart rate, stomach pain).
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/9224
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