Influence of Gender and Age on Organisational Commitment Among Civil Servants in South-West, Nigeria
The paper examines the influence of demographic variables of gender and age on the commitment of employees in the Nigerian civil service. Data for the study were obtained through 567 valid questionnaire containing information on gender and age, and work related issues from civil servants purposively selected from six states in the South-West, Nigeria. The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used for the data. Findings indicate that the age groups of the civil servants are critical to their commitment in the organisation. The findings indicated that commitments in the civil service organisation are higher for the younger and older civil servants than those within the middle age groups. The government is provided with information on what can be done to enhance employees’ commitment to the Nigerian civil service through adequate remuneration and motivation for the different age groups. The paper concludes that civil servants should be motivated according to the needs of the age groups in order to enhance their commitment levels.
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