Research on the Integration of Chinese Immigrants in Turin: A Case Study of Bar Francesca
Integration of immigrants, particularly their social integration, is a core keyword in the studies in Italy on immigration nowadays. Negative conducts of Chinese immigrants in Italy in their social integration are in stark contrast to their economic success. This contrast has long been criticized by Italian authorities and academic community. From January to May 2016, the author undertook a case study on the integration issues of Bar Francesca, which was run by a Chinese family in Turin and on the basis of the survey the author wrote this article. From the perspective of a family and a small bar, this paper tries to achieve an understanding of the integration of Chinese immigrants and interpret the successful interaction between Chinese in Turin and the local community. This article studies the challenges and countermeasures in the integration of Chinese immigrants, especially in the process of social integration and it provides references and suggestions for the benign interaction of Chinese immigrants with the local society and the integration of Chinese community in Turin and even in Italy. It also calls on a wider participation of both official and academic circles of China and Italy to provide assistance and incentives for the full integration of Chinese immigrants so that this group can play a more active and important role in the new era of Sino-Italian relations.
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