Systematic Review: Address Theories and Methods in Studies on Retirement Benefits in the Context of Social Security
Social security has gained global prominence in political and economic debates, particularly amid demographic challenges tied to aging populations, increased life expectancy, and shifts in family and work dynamics. Despite this, academic production on the subject remains scarce and nascent. This study addresses this gap by examining the current scientific production on social security, focusing on retirement benefits, and identifying underlying theories and methods. Using the IRAMUTEQ software to analyze discourse in abstracts from the Scopus database, the research employed Systematic Review and the Reinert Method for text classification. Out of over 2,000 articles, 59 met the research criteria following the PRISMA Protocol. Results unveiled five discourse classes in selected articles: studies on workers’ decisions to continue or cease working after retirement, issues related to beneficiaries’ conditions and family income maintenance, economic considerations and resource capitalization, analyses on the granting of pensions to teachers, and investigations of socioeconomic and behavioral variables in pension systems. Regarding methods, the research identified a prevalence of regression processes and demographic models in the analyzed articles. Theoretical frameworks emphasized the fundamental roles of Social Vulnerability and Social Risk theories, highlighting the state’s responsibility in ensuring a minimum for vulnerable groups and applying resource capitalization to guarantee pension sustainability and future benefit payments, such as retirements and pensions.
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